a. A thick heavy covering for a floor, usually made of woven wool or synthetic fibers, especially one covering the entire surface of the floor.
b. The fabric used for this floor covering.
2. A surface or surface covering that is similar to a rug: a carpet of leaves and pine needles on the forest floor.
tr.v. car·pet·ed, car·pet·ing, car·pets
To cover with or as if with a carpet: carpet the stairs; snow that carpeted the sidewalks.
on the carpet
1. In a position of being reprimanded by one in authority: was called on the carpet for cheating.
2. Under discussion or consideration: Important matters will be on the carpet at today's meeting.
[Middle English, from Old French carpite, from Medieval Latin carpīta, from Old Italian carpita, from carpire, to pluck, from Latin carpere; see kerp- in Indo-European roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
1. (Furniture)
a. a heavy fabric for covering floors
b. (as modifier): a carpet sale.
2. a covering like a carpet: a carpet of leaves.
3. on the carpet informal
a. before authority to be reproved for misconduct or error
b. under consideration
vb (tr) , -pets, -peting or -peted
4. (Furniture) to cover with or as if with a carpet
5. informal to reprimand
[C14: from Old French carpite, from Old Italian carpita, from Late Latin carpeta, literally: (wool) that has been carded, from Latin carpere to pluck, card]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
(ˈkɑr pɪt)n.
1. a heavy woven or felted fabric for covering floors.
2. a covering of this.
3. any surface or covering resembling a carpet.
v.t.4. to cover or furnish with or as if with a carpet.
Idioms:on the carpet, summoned for a reprimand.
[1300–50; Middle English carpete cloth covering < Middle French carpite or Medieval Latin carpīta < Italian carpita < Vulgar Latin *carpīta, past participle of *carpīre, for Latin carpere to pluck]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
a covering or expanse, as of grass or flowers; used figuratively.Examples: carpet of flowers, 1854; grassy carpet, 1593.
Dictionary of Collective Nouns and Group Terms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
Past participle: carpeted
Gerund: carpeting
Imperative |
carpet |
carpet |
Present |
I carpet |
you carpet |
he/she/it carpets |
we carpet |
you carpet |
they carpet |
Preterite |
I carpeted |
you carpeted |
he/she/it carpeted |
we carpeted |
you carpeted |
they carpeted |
Present Continuous |
I am carpeting |
you are carpeting |
he/she/it is carpeting |
we are carpeting |
you are carpeting |
they are carpeting |
Present Perfect |
I have carpeted |
you have carpeted |
he/she/it has carpeted |
we have carpeted |
you have carpeted |
they have carpeted |
Past Continuous |
I was carpeting |
you were carpeting |
he/she/it was carpeting |
we were carpeting |
you were carpeting |
they were carpeting |
Past Perfect |
I had carpeted |
you had carpeted |
he/she/it had carpeted |
we had carpeted |
you had carpeted |
they had carpeted |
Future |
I will carpet |
you will carpet |
he/she/it will carpet |
we will carpet |
you will carpet |
they will carpet |
Future Perfect |
I will have carpeted |
you will have carpeted |
he/she/it will have carpeted |
we will have carpeted |
you will have carpeted |
they will have carpeted |
Future Continuous |
I will be carpeting |
you will be carpeting |
he/she/it will be carpeting |
we will be carpeting |
you will be carpeting |
they will be carpeting |
Present Perfect Continuous |
I have been carpeting |
you have been carpeting |
he/she/it has been carpeting |
we have been carpeting |
you have been carpeting |
they have been carpeting |
Future Perfect Continuous |
I will have been carpeting |
you will have been carpeting |
he/she/it will have been carpeting |
we will have been carpeting |
you will have been carpeting |
they will have been carpeting |
Past Perfect Continuous |
I had been carpeting |
you had been carpeting |
he/she/it had been carpeting |
we had been carpeting |
you had been carpeting |
they had been carpeting |
Conditional |
I would carpet |
you would carpet |
he/she/it would carpet |
we would carpet |
you would carpet |
they would carpet |
Past Conditional |
I would have carpeted |
you would have carpeted |
he/she/it would have carpeted |
we would have carpeted |
you would have carpeted |
they would have carpeted |
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
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Noun | 1. | carpet - floor covering consisting of a piece of thick heavy fabric (usually with nap or pile) carpeting, rug broadloom - a carpet woven on a wide loom to obviate the need for seams Brussels carpet - a carpet with a strong linen warp and a heavy pile of colored woolen yarns drawn up in uncut loops to form a pattern drugget - a rug made of a coarse fabric having a cotton warp and a wool filling edging - border consisting of anything placed on the edge to finish something (such as a fringe on clothing or on a rug) floor cover, floor covering - a covering for a floor flying carpet - (Asian folktale) an imaginary carpet that will fly people anywhere they wish to go furnishing - (usually plural) the instrumentalities (furniture and appliances and other movable accessories including curtains and rugs) that make a home (or other area) livable hearthrug - a rug spread out in front of a fireplace Kurdistan - an oriental rug woven by Kurds that is noted for fine colors and durability nammad, numdah, numdah rug - an embroidered rug made from a coarse Indian felt prayer mat, prayer rug - a small rug used by Muslims during their devotions red carpet - a strip of red carpeting laid down for dignitaries to walk on runner - a long narrow carpet scatter rug, throw rug - a small rug; several can be used in a room stair-carpet - a strip of carpet for laying on stairs Wilton, Wilton carpet - a carpet woven on a Jacquard loom with loops like a Brussels carpet but having the loops cut to form a close velvety pile |
2. | carpet - a natural object that resembles or suggests a carpet; "a carpet of flowers"; "the larvae of some moths spin a web that resembles a carpet" natural object - an object occurring naturally; not made by man | |
Verb | 1. | carpet - form a carpet-like cover (over) spread over, cover - form a cover over; "The grass covered the grave" |
2. | carpet - cover completely, as if with a carpet; "flowers carpeted the meadows" cover - provide with a covering or cause to be covered; "cover her face with a handkerchief"; "cover the child with a blanket"; "cover the grave with flowers" | |
3. | carpet - cover with a carpet; "carpet the floors of the house" cover - provide with a covering or cause to be covered; "cover her face with a handkerchief"; "cover the child with a blanket"; "cover the grave with flowers" |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
Carpets and rugs
Aubusson, Axminster, broadloom, Brussels carpet, Bukhara rug, chenille, durrie, flat-woven, ingrain, Kidderminster, kilim, Kirman, numdah, Persian carpet or Persian rug, Turkey carpet, Wilton
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
بِساطبِسَاطيُغَطّي بِبِساط
koberecpokrýt kobercem
tæppelægge tæppe på
alfombraalfombrarcubrir con una alfombramoquetatapete
tapismoquetterecouvrir d'un tapis
szőnyegszõnyeggel borít
tappetocopriremoquettepassatoiaricoprire con un tappeto
iškloti kilimaiskķlimaskloti kilimais
grīdseganoklāt ar paklāju/grīdsegu
teppedekke med teppegulvteppelegge teppe påløper
koberecpokryť kobercom
halıkilimhalı döşemek / kaplamak
A. N → alfombra f; (small) → tapete m; (fitted) → moqueta f
a carpet of leaves (fig) → una alfombra de hojas
to be on the carpet → tener que aguantar un rapapolvo
to roll out the red carpet for sb → recibir a algn con todos los honores, ponerle a algn la alfombra roja
they tried to sweep it under the carpet → quisieron echar tierra sobre el asunto, trataron de esconder los trapos sucios
1. [+ floor] (wall to wall) → enmoquetar; (with individual rugs) → alfombrar (with de)
2. (= scold) to carpet sb → echar un rapapolvo a algn
C. CPD carpet bag N (US) → maletín m, morral m
carpet bombing N → bombardeo m de arrasamiento
carpet slippers NPL → zapatillas fpl
carpet square, carpet tile N → loseta f
carpet sweeper N → escoba f mecánica
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
(= large rug) → tapis m
a Persian carpet → un tapis persan
(fitted) → moquette f fitted carpet
(= covering) [flowers, leaves, snow] → tapis m
[+ house, room] → recouvrir d'une moquette, moquetter
(= cover) [flowers, leaves, snow] → recouvrircarpet slippers npl → pantoufles fplcarpet tile n → dalle f de moquettecar phone n → téléphone m de voiturecar pool carpool, car-pool [ˈkɑːrpuːl]
(= arrangement) → covoiturage m car-pool lane
(= stock of cars) → parc m de voitures de fonction
vi (mainly US or Australian) → pratiquer le covoituragecar-pool lane [ˈkɑːrpuːl] n (US) → voie f réservée au covoituragecar port carport [ˈkɑːrpɔːrt] n → auvent m pour voiturescar radio n → autoradio mcar rental n (US) → location f de voitures
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
n (lit, fig) → Teppich m; (fitted) → Teppichboden m; the subject on the carpet → das Thema, das zurzeit diskutiert wird; to be on the carpet (inf) → zur Schnecke or Minna gemacht werden (inf)
floor → (mit Teppichen/Teppichboden) auslegen; the wood carpeted with flowers → der blumenbedeckte Waldboden
(Brit inf: = reprimand) → zur Minna machen (inf)
n → Reisetasche f
(US Pol inf) → politischer Abenteurer, politische Abenteuerin; (Hist) politischer Ämterjäger, der mit nichts als einer Reisetasche nach dem Sezessionskrieg in die besetzten Südstaaten kam
(Fin) → Spekulant(in) m(f) (der/die Geld bei vielen verschiedenen Hypothekenbanken investiert in der Hoffnung, bei Änderung der Statuten einen Gewinn zu machen)
n → Teppich- or Ausklopfer m
carpet bombing
n (Mil) → Flächenbombardierung f
carpet slippers
pl → Pantoffeln pl, → Hausschuhe pl
n → Teppichkehrer m, → Teppichkehrmaschine f
carpet tile
n → Teppichfliese f
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
1. n → tappeto; (fitted carpet) → moquette f inv
2. vt (floor, house) → coprire con tappeto; (with fitted carpet) → rivestire di moquette, mettere la moquette a
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
(ˈkaːpit) nouna woven covering for floors etc.
verbto cover with a carpet. They haven't carpeted the floor yet.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
→ بِسَاط koberec tæppe Teppich χαλί alfombra, tapete matto moquette sag tappeto カーペット 카펫 tapijt teppe dywan carpete ковер matta พรม halı thảm 地毯Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009