Merle Pitbull: All You Need to Know About Merle Pitbulls (2024)

Merle Pitbull: All You Need to Know About Merle Pitbulls (1)

Written by

Vicki Smirnova

Written by Vicki Smirnova

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Vicki Smirnova

Merle Pitbull: All You Need to Know About Merle Pitbulls (2)

Author: Vicki Smirnova

Vicki Smirnova is a professional writer and editor who adores animals and helps readers get along well with their pets. She has been working in digital media for more than 5 years and has great experience writing content about lifestyle, including pets. Vicki specializes in dog health and nutrition, cat feeding, dog training. She is an aquarium lover and is passionate to write about fish care at home. Also, Vicki headed several websites and worked as a news editor.

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Updated on: 06/29/2022

The merle pitbull is rare. The merle color is formed in the womb; certain genes dominate in relation to the overall color of the fur, so whitish manifestations are visible on the coat.

Sometimes, the fur’s color acquires a completely white pigmentation, in which case the dog’s eye’s iris has a blue color. In the banalest case, a dog with chaotic black spots of a non-uniform shape is obtained. In red dogs, such spotting is not very pronounced.

Merle Pitbull: All You Need to Know About Merle Pitbulls (3)

Photo by Brandon Crawford from Shutterstock

Since the merle gene carries more negative traits, it is strictly forbidden to cross two merle dogs. Animals these genetics cannot appear: only by crossing a healthy dog with a carrier of the M gene does a mutation occur. Sometimes, dog breeders do not even suspect that there are problems, the reason for which may be a hidden or invisible dominant color.

Along with the formation of the merle gene, defects appear in the dog’s body. Scientists have proven and verified that merle-colored puppies are born weak and more often die, show signs of deformity (missing an eye or ear) or freeze inside the womb.

What is a merle Pitbulls?

One of the most unusual canine colors is merle. Despite the possible risks, marbled dogs are still wildly popular. Because of this, breeders continue to breed them, creating more and more new varieties.

In addition the coat, unusual coloring affects the eyes. Because of this, heterochromia develops – an uneven color of the iris, and the eyes become multi-colored or mottled.

The dominant gene M is responsible for the appearance of merle, which causes albinism. If present, the dog will always be spotted. The M gene blocks pigmentation, turning a solid color into a “diluted” one. Depending on the main color, the following types of marble are distinguished:

  1. Blue merle color pattern- lightening black to gray
  2. Red merle – lightening red to cream or light brown
  3. Sable merle – a combination of sable color and blue marble (immediately after birth, the puppy seems almost white but darkens when growing up)
  4. Cryptic merle coat (hidden) – resembles a tricolor; only a tiny silvery spot can indicate the presence of the M gene (most often, it is determined only by genetic analysis)
  5. White merle (double merle dogs) – most of the body is white and spots are almost or entirely absent

This last type of merle is the most dangerous. The dog’s coat color is obtained by mating 2 spotted dogs, and it is distinguished from the monochromatic white color by the absence of pigmentation on the skin. Double merle puppies are born with pinkish lips, nose and eye rims.

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Why is this color considered dangerous?

When inheriting the M gene from both parents, puppies often die while still inside the mother’s womb. If they manage to avoid death as embryos, then, at birth, they will face the following issues:

  • Atrophy of the ears or eyes.
  • Heart diseases.
  • Low fertility or infertility.
  • Ophthalmic pathologies (cataract, night blindness, flattening of the fundus).
  • Mental disorders, including a tendency to increase aggression.

When breeding spotted animals, it is important to rule out the presence of hidden merle dog, which requires a genetic analysis.

History of the Merle American Pit Bull Terrier

The introduction of merle pitbulls has caused controversy in the breed community. Some worry about the health problems of merle Pitbulls. The entire process of pigment formation in dogs begins with embryonic development, and pigment cells are produced along with the same cells from which the nervous system develops. A dog has genetic color defects may also have nervous system abnormalities. Therefore, merle dogs are prone to mental, neurological, and immunological problems.

The merle pitbull is not officially registered, and there is no standard for it. Such dogs are perceived as a variety, not a separate breed.

This color has existed for many years. Many different photographs and documents contain records of the merle pitbull breed as far back as 1922. In 1936, the breed standard stated that any dog color was acceptable. This standard also included merles; thus, this color also exists in the pit bull breed.

This pet was bred for a specific purpose: blood sports, hunting pigs, and other similar tasks. After a while, such types of dog sports were banned and the breed ceased to be in demand.

But the pitbull began to be bred for another purpose: a companion dog. The rarity of merle pitbull coloration has allowed breeders to increase the cost of the breed to $15,000 – $30,000 US. Some breed this dog solely for marketing purposes or to make more money.

The ADBA (American Dog Breeders Association) reports that the reintroduction of the merle gene is “detrimental to the health of the breed” and that the merle color is associated with defects in the health of the breed. For this reason, the ADBA has not registered merle dogs since February 21, 2005.

How to Tell a Merle Pitbull Pups from a Brindle?

Distinguishing a marbled pitbull from a brindle pitty is fairly easy, as they have completely different coat patterns. Brindle-patterned dogs look like tigers, with a brown base and black stripes, while merle coat are spotted.

Both colors are found in pitbulls, although the brindle pattern is much more common. Eye color is another sig: dogs with blue or two-tone eyes are sometimes found in merles. These eye colors are not commonly seen in brindle Pitbulls. Pitbull terrier breeders and competent dog handlers assure that merle and leopard colors are signs of a non-purebred dog.

Merle Pitbull: All You Need to Know About Merle Pitbulls (5)

Brindle Pitbull Photo by @another69 from Freepik

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What Does the Merle Pitbull Look Like?

Merle Pitbulls look like any other Pitbulls, except for their unusual coloration. This is a medium-sized, robust dog with a very muscular build, a broad chest, massive neck, large wedge-shaped head and powerful jaws. The paws and thighs are also huge and strong, and the tail is of medium length, wide at the base but slightly tapered towards the end.

These dog breeds love their families very much and are friendly to guests. But they are very wary of uninvited strangers and, thus, are excellent watchdogs, barking loudly to warn their owners of outsiders. With such a dog, you can walk along a dark street without fear, because a pitbull will always stand up for you and protect you – even at the cost of its own life.

Remember that early socialization is crucial for Pitbulls – from puppyhood, you need to introduce them to other people, new places, sounds and smells.

This breed will be an ideal friend for your baby, but it is worth remembering that it is better not to leave them alone. Let the child communicate with the dog only in your presence. Teach children not to hurt the dog – not to drag the tail and not to pinch.

Merle Pitbull: All You Need to Know About Merle Pitbulls (7)

Do Merle Pitbull Puppies Cause Health Problems?

Various physical and mental abnormalities associated with this color bring serious problems that will not allow the dog to live a high-quality, long life.

The first is a developmental eye defect called heterochromia iridis (color difference between the iris); for example, a dog with one brown eye and one blue eye has this condition (however, this defect does not always indicate the presence of the merle gene).

Also, merle pit bull lack tapetum lucidum. Tapetum lucidum is a reflective substance that evens out the coating of the fundus in dogs. This structure acts like a mirror and reflects light through the retina like a satellite dish, giving the retina two chances to catch the light. Dogs that are deficient in tapetum licidum have “night blindness” or, more simply, an impaired ability to see in dim light.

Another defect is the lack of retinal pigment microphthalmos. In addition to the eyes, which are the main indicator of neurological defects, there is also evidence of ear defects that lead to a reduction in hearing sensitivity or total deafness. There are numerous other problems connected to the “M” gene:

  • No viability at birth or rapid death in the first weeks of life
  • Complete or partial blindness, underdevelopment of the eyes, strabismus
  • The complete absence of developed organs, vision, hearing and tail
  • Possible deformities in the form of underdevelopment of the mouth and nasal cavity
  • Mentally unbalanced, emotionally unstable dogs.

Care and Activity Requirements of a Merle Pitbull

Pitbulls are suitable for keeping both in the apartment and in the house. But you should not move them to a kennel, as these dogs do not tolerate cold well because of their short hair and because their paws often freeze. Despite the fact that pitbulls have short hair, they shed twice a year – during this period they need to be combed every day. Watch your dog’s teeth, as they need to be cleaned with a special brush and paste. Ears should be cleaned once every two weeks – do not clean them with sticks; instead, wipe them with a damp cotton swab or use a special tool for washing them.

Pitbulls need to be fed twice a day with premium dry food or the right “natural,” which includes raw meat (beef, turkey, lamb, chicken, lean pork), quail eggs (1 – 2 per week), vegetables (any except potatoes), cottage cheese and kefir. Dogs don’t need porridge, and check with veterinarian in advance about a diet that is right for your pet.

From childhood and throughout the life of the dog, pit bulls need to be taught obedience – who is the boss in the house. Experts advise the owners of this breed to contact a cynologist and take a training course so that the dog learns the basics of obedience.

If the owner decides to engage in training, then they need to know that there should be no aggression and cruelty. A pitbull needs to learn by playing, and Pitbulls are very playful at an early age. It is necessary to achieve the complete implementation of all commands by the puppy. If it does everything right, it should be praised and given a treat.

The merle pit bull breed is endowed with reasonably high intelligence. They are able to think broadly and make their own decisions; therefore, the dog doing impermissible things (e.g., biting shoes, taking food from the table, not responding to the owner’s call) checks how its owner will react to this and whether or not it is possible to continue to behave in this way. In such cases, the dog’s owner should calmly explain to the pet that this behavior is not allowed.

This dog is not for you if you live in an small apartment. They do best in homes with open spaces, such as a fenced-in backyard, where they have plenty of room to play and be active.

A healthy marbled pitbull has been known to live for about 12 years, the average lifespan of any pitbull. But if it is a double merle dog, its life may be shorter than other pitbulls.

Regular veterinary checkups are vital to keeping your pet healthy. It is also important to ensure that your dog eats a healthy and balanced diet and gets as much exercise as his body needs for a healthy life.

How Much Does a Merle Pitbull Cost?

Generally, for merle pitbulls (and any other dog breeds), you should only source puppies from quality kennels that promote safe and healthy breeding. It will be better for you, for the puppies and also for the dogs that are used in breeding.

On average, top-notch merle American pitbull terrier can cost between $15,000 and $30,000, and they usually cost twice or three times as much as regular pit bulls. Kennels usually sell puppies individually, and some breeders ignore responsible breeding and are only after money.

Merle Pitbull: All You Need to Know About Merle Pitbulls (9)

Photo by from Instagram

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Final Thoughts

Before becoming the owner of this breed, you need to remember that buying a merle pitbull is not like buying a hamster from a pet store. You must be confident in your decision and have enough information on the maintenance and proper education of the breed.

You also need to:

  1. Be financially prepared: This dog has a high price, and if you are willing to pay for it, you must also be willing to spend money on its needs. Since this breed is subject to several health risks, you should have money ready for regular and emergency veterinary visits.
  2. Be emotionally ready: Are you willing to put in a lot of time and invest in training and discipline for your dog from puppyhood to adulthood? Obedience and discipline are the two most important things your merle pitbull needs – if they are not addressed, you will have a naughty dog that people will be afraid of.
  3. Be prepared: Make sure your home is ready for a merle pitbull. Do you have enough space for it to run around? Do you have children or other pets that can complicate matters? Think about these things, and prepare well if your desire is great.

Over time, more and more people realize that, like any other breed of dog, Pitbulls radiate love and affection for their owners and those around them.


What does merle mean in Pitbulls?

Merle means the special color of the pit bull dog. The dog will be merle with a spotted coat in this particular case. The eye color may be blue or the eyes may be two-tone.

Is a merle American Pitbull Terrier rare?

The merle pitbull is considered rare and has a relatively high price from breeders. Sometimes the price of a Merle can exceed the cost of a regular pit bull by 2-3 times. And the price can be $15,000 – $30,000; because of this cost, the breed is rarely seen on the street. Also, the rarity is because the dog, in addition to the initial cost, requires additional expenses for maintaining health throughout its life.

How much does a merle Pitbull cost?

A merle pitbull ranges in price from $15,000 to $30,000. But when buying, you need to pay a lot of attention to the breeder – check his honesty and credibility, since some breeders do not monitor the quality of the litter and pay their attention only to earnings.

Merle Pitbull: All You Need to Know About Merle Pitbulls (2024)


Do merle pitbulls have health problems? ›

That said, Merle pitbulls do pose some risks to new dog owners. The biggest risk is their health problems. Because the merle gene can cause blindness and deafness, this makes Merle pitbulls challenging to care for if they develop these conditions.

What two dogs make a merle pitbull? ›

Some people argue that merle isn't a natural variation and is actually the result of crossing a Pit Bull with another merle color-producing breed, like the Australian Shepherd or Catahoula Leopard Dog.

How can you tell if a pitbull is merle? ›

Also known as dapple, merle is characterized by irregular blotches of fur set on a lighter background of the same pigment, such as solid black on gray (called blue merle) or solid brown on tan (red merle). Blue and partially blue eyes are often seen with the merle pattern, as well.

How to make a merle pitbull? ›

Some breeders mix Pitbulls with other merle breeds to reintroduce the merle gene. Some lucky breeders can locate this gene within the Pitbull population and encourage it through breeding. Either way, this isn't recognized as an official coloration by any kennel club and is heavily discouraged.

Why not to buy a merle dog? ›

Do merle dogs have health problems? Dogs that have two copies of the merle gene variant, inherited from both of their parents, have an increased risk of problems with their eyes and ears, causing blindness and/or deafness.

What are the dangers of the merle gene? ›

An autosomal, incompletely dominant trait, merle coat coloring predisposes dogs to inherited deafness. When inherited in the hom*ozygous state, the merle mutation causes dogs to be white and have an even greater incidence of deafness, blindness and sterility.

What is the most expensive pitbull color? ›

What is the most expensive Pit Bull color? As we mentioned above, the cost of a Merle Pit Bull far surpasses the price of almost any other color and, while a Red Pit Bull Puppy may cost you $2,000, a merle pup could set you back as much as $15,000 or $30,000!

Why can't two merles breed? ›

"That merle gene is that gray and black kind of coloring on Willy here and if you breed two dogs who have that gene it can cause a 1 in 4 chance for the double merle. That's a 25% chance that puppy will be born with blindness, will be deaf, or both," Kimberly Vermillion said.

What is a ghost merle pitbull? ›

Dogs with cryptic merle (also called phantom or ghost merle) typically display little to no merle pattern and some may be misclassified as non-merles. The cryptic merle alleles occur in the lower end of the range (typically from 200-255, however, this range and designation varies by study).

Are merle bullies purebred? ›

Merle bully is not a breed. Merle in general is not a breed, it's a color. Bullies should not be Merle, it's not in standard and therefore you are pointlessly risking the dog's health for money. Breeders usually ask more money from the puppies just because they are merle, and that's a HUGE red flag.

Do all merle Pit Bulls have blue eyes? ›

Merle doesn't just affect coat color, it also affects skin and eye pigment! In the coat, merle creates mottled patches of color, and it does the same on the nose and in the eyes. Some merle dogs have partial or fully blue eyes thanks to the merle gene, and may even have multi-colored or light-colored noses.

Is a merle a purebred? ›

It is important to note that the Merle coat pattern is not recognized by all Poodle breed standards, so it is not considered a standard coat color in some Poodle breed clubs. However, it is still considered a purebred Poodle.

What is the rarest breed of pitbull? ›

The Mexican Chamuco is a rare breed that's believed to be a mix between the American Pit Bull Terrier, the American Bully, the Mexican Bulldog, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier, the Pitbull Blue, the American Staffordshire Terrier, and possibly the Boxer.

What happens if you breed two merle bullies? ›

If two merle dogs are bred together, each puppy in the litter has a 25% chance of being born a double merle. A double merle inherits the merle gene twice.

Are merle puppies worth more? ›

Merle dogs of any breed are likely to be more expensive than solid-colored dogs, even though a lot of responsible breeders try to change that. Depending on how rare the merle pattern is in the breed and how much the standard price for a puppy is, your merle dog might cost up to $3,000.

Do merle bulldogs have more health problems? ›

The quick answer is that a well-bred merle dog with one copy of the merle gene will be as healthy as a solid-colored dog. If a dog is a so-called “double merle” however, he is likely to suffer from vision, hearing and skin problems.

What is the controversy with merle dogs? ›

When two single merle dogs are bred together, statistically 1 in 4 offspring will be double merle. In addition to deafness, they can also have heart problems and other abnormalities. Even so, many shady dog breeders purposely breed merle dogs together to produce merle puppies that command high prices.

What is the disease merle in dogs? ›

Dogs who are hom*ozygous for certain merle alleles often have visual and auditory deficits. These dogs are sometimes referred to as "double merle" and sometimes incorrectly referred to as "lethal white". Ocular defects include microphthalmia, conditions causing increased ocular pressure and colobomas, among others.

Are merle dogs more aggressive? ›

And they are no more aggressive, unpredictable or untrainable than hearing and sighted dogs. To dispel another myth, there are homes more than eager to adopt, train and love such special needs dogs.


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